God is all in all. Therefore, God is in all things. All people. Not just believers. Not just the nice ones. God is all. In all. There is nothing outside of God. Jesus said, when ye do it unto the least of these my brethren (everyone), ye do it unto me. So in all my…
PART 2 of Where I am
If you haven’t read the “Where I am” post, you should read it first, but not required. (smile) I’m in Hebrews this morning and I came across a couple of verses that made me smile and I wanted to share them with you. Jesus has prepared a place for us. Right here. Right now. By…
That Where I am ……….
When I was young, I thought that when I died, I would go to a great mansion in the sky. It would be my very own mansion with lots of rooms, and probably an in-ground pool, and a giant backyard full of trees, and all the other amenities that I could want. The verse in…
I am the burning flame The destroyer of knowledge and flesh I am the life rising up from the ashes I am strength without limit I am the frigid northwind I am the ice that coats your frozen heart I am the blossom that presses up from the melting snow I am the raging stream…
Facing the Enemy….
I have been so pissy this morning. Frustrated. Surly. Snapping at people. Even the dog is running for cover. “Christ in us, the hope of glory.” So, I hope. I hope for my thoughts to become His thoughts. My heart to be replaced with His heart. Dare I say that I am glad to see…
Hello and Welcome! You found me! That’s very cool. I am a person who has done some living, gone through some things, and find myself now, when I thought my life on the planet would be shutting down, instead I find myself happier than I’ve ever been. And, just to be clear right now before…