Do you ever feel like you are two people in your walk with God? I often do. One of me is full of faith and love for God, desiring God above all else (that’s typically the morning “me.” The other me is living the day to day, hardly thinking of God as I face the…
Category: Hope in God
His Ways……
My beloved family, it is so good to be writing to you again. Time is irrelevant, but it has been hard to go so long without something to share with you. How have you all been? Let me know, if you feel like it. I would love to hear from you. Things have been a…
What Do You Want ?
This morning, I woke up, and I said, “Lord! I really want to lose weight. I’m overweight and I have such a hard time with my eating habits. Will you please help me?” God: “What do you want?” Me: “You know. I want to be thinner. I want my clothes to look and feel better. …
And here, I thought it couldn’t get any better.
Hello me dear beloved family, I have not been getting up as early lately. No sunrises. No hour of quiet before the house stirs. I blame Jack (our yorkiepoo). He was a very faithful alarm clock. But now, he is literally sleeping on the job. I think he (and I) are in winter hibernation…
We shall be changed.
Hello beloved, It’s been a minute. I hope this finds you all trusting. My initial thought is to say, I hope this finds you all “well.” But I’m not even sure what that means anymore. Does “well” mean…Not sick, happy. Does it mean all your dreams are coming true and everything’s “comin’ up roses”? …
Watching and Waiting
Hello Beloved, My, oh my, oh my! Yesterday was a doozy! I think I’m cruising along, resting in God, everything is cool and joyous! Then the Lord says, ok, let’s go deeper. And in one day, I feel like I’ve forgotten everything I’ve every known of our Lord. I doubt. I don’t look to…
The Bold and The Beautiful
Hello, beautiful family. One of my favorite musician/singer/songwriters is Rich Mullins. He wrote “Our God is an Awesome God” and so many other great songs about Jesus and our lives in God. Rich died in a car crash when he was still pretty young. After his death, a couple of books were written about…
Hurricanes and Tornado warnings
Hello beloved, As I type, the winds of a minor hurricane are whipping around our home, sheets of rain pelting the sides. You get used to these things when you live in Florida. At 6 am I got an automated call from Flagler County Emergency Services telling us that there was a tornado warning…
Record Keeper
Hello my family. I am a record keeper. This is a confession. I tend to keep records of wrongs. If someone is unkind to me, or just in a bad mood and snippy to me, I put an imaginary chalk mark in my imaginary column. That’s a point for me in the “Who’s Better…
The House That Jesus Built
Hello beautiful family, I was talking to a dear friend this morning, and we started discussing something wonderful that I want to share with all of you. We spoke of the faithfulness of God, and how we can dwell in God’s rest. Then he told me something so wonderful regarding Joshua and Jesus: At…