Hello me dear beloved family, I have not been getting up as early lately. No sunrises. No hour of quiet before the house stirs. I blame Jack (our yorkiepoo). He was a very faithful alarm clock. But now, he is literally sleeping on the job. I think he (and I) are in winter hibernation…
Month: December 2022
Glad Tidings of Great Joy !!!!!!
Hello Beloved, The Holiday season is in full swing, even here in Florida! LOL I have always liked this time of year. The colors, the lights, the decorations, the smiles, it’s all wonderful! Each year, I would look forward to the time when I could put up the decorations, the tree, break out the…
We shall be changed.
Hello beloved, It’s been a minute. I hope this finds you all trusting. My initial thought is to say, I hope this finds you all “well.” But I’m not even sure what that means anymore. Does “well” mean…Not sick, happy. Does it mean all your dreams are coming true and everything’s “comin’ up roses”? …