Hello beloved,
It’s been a minute. I hope this finds you all trusting. My initial thought is to say, I hope this finds you all “well.” But I’m not even sure what that means anymore. Does “well” mean…Not sick, happy. Does it mean all your dreams are coming true and everything’s “comin’ up roses”? Does it mean life is easy for you and you have no struggles and nobody is hassling you? I don’t know. I don’t know if that is my hope as I reach out to you.
But I do know, that I hope this finds you all trusting. During the lull in posts, I have had the wonderful opportunity to connect with a few of you directly. What a joy! In those connections, I have found a number of you going through some very difficult times. Some really crappy stuff happening. But in speaking to you, I am seeing hearts that understand that God is in the difficulties. One of you told me yesterday, “things are horrible and it’s just what I’ve needed. I’m GROWING!” It freaking made my heart want to leap out of my chest. JOY!!!!!!!!
I was thinking this morning. When the crap hits the fan in our lives, illness and other physical issues, financial problems, death of loved ones, job stuff, jobless stuff, relationship stuff, even just little tiny stuff that ticks us off, other and all stuff that makes us uncomfortable, sad, hurt, angry, dejected, whatever……. When these things comes along, we can complain ………….or we can see God.
If we can’t see God right now, because the muck is so thick, we can watch for Him, and wait. I guarantee, God is there. Right there.
This doesn’t mean things won’t hurt. They will. That’s ok. But when we look to see God in all, …..when we wait on Him, …….then we change. Our hearts change.
Whether we complain or seek the Lord, it will not change God. God is faithful whether we are or not, whether our attitudes are good or they stink or we just turn away from Him altogether because we just can’t take it anymore. God’s love for us will not change. His work in us will not stop. God is faithful. Period.
It is we who will change.
I don’t want to live my life, as in times past, in a circle of joy, then hurt, then complaining, then regretting my complaining, then going to God, then I’m ok, then joy, then hurt, then complaining, then regretting my complaining, then going to God, then I’m ok,…… and so on and so on.
I want to get off this roller coaster and press forward to the higher calling of complete trust in the One Who loves us best, the One Who created us and amazingly, calls us the sons and daughters of God.
1st Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
You are all a priceless gift in my life!
Love to all of you!
P.S. I took the picture below this morning. The very sun in this very picture comes up every day. Even if I don’t go down to watch it. Even if I’m sleeping. Even if the sky is filled with clouds. It comes up. Every day.
Our Lord is faithful. Whether we’re watching or not. Whether we’re kind or a jerk. Whether we pray or cuss. God is still loving us more than we can ever imagine, just as we are, every single day.